1. Study Groups
Download, Print, Fill-in Study Group Please Apply here and email to enjoyyourhealth@protonmail.com Subject line: STUDY GROUP FORM
One Curriculum over 5 months (~22 lessons) online and in-person.
Curriculum would be mailed for digital attendees. $100/month.
2. Nedley Depression Anxiety Recovery Program
Participant Registration Form
Community Program 2024: January 2 to February 27 Tuesdays from 6:15p - 8:15p
Free Sessions: November 21, December 5 RSVP 269-624-2993 LOCATION and TIME.
Find a Recovery Class Near You: https://www.nedleyhealth.com/community-program/programs-near-you
The Community Program Pre and Post Test reveals:
1. Anxiety Score
2. Depression Score
3. Emotional Intelligence Score
4. 10 hits to your frontal lobe: click here
3. Bradley Birth Classes
- Download, Print, Fill-in, and send Childbirth Questionnaire to the Telegraph Location.
- https://www.bradleybirth.com/tamaraprahlow